Whether it is your first child or your fourth, potty training a stubborn toddler can leave you feeling frustrated and well, overall crappy. Pun intended.
But that doesn’t mean you should give up. You just need to step back and approach the issue with a a fresh perspective with these 10 tried-and-tested tips from parents who have fought and won this battle.
Here are 10 simple tips for potty training a stubborn toddler, but before we begin, there is something I want you to know.
You Were Once A Strong-Willed Child
As much as I would like to blame it on my husband if I’m honest, I can see where my child gets his strong-willed personality. I was once that child: strong-headed, determined – and in some ways, I still am.
And while parenting and raising a strong-willed child may feel difficult at times, research shows that stubborn children are also more likely to succeed in life. Strong-willed children turn into motivated individuals who turn into great leaders. They might refuse to eat their food now unless it is served on their favorite green plate. Down the track, though, they are less likely to give in to peer pressure in high school.
The bottom line, you’ve got yourself a great kid. And our job, as parents, is to gently steer our stubborn children on the right path. Which, in this case, is towards the potty.
The most critical step in navigating strong-willed children is to stay calm and composed. If you show up to the task frustrated and agitated, your child will pick up on these feelings. And it will feel the same about potty training.
Tip 2: Re-Introduce The Concept Of Potty Training
Retreat and reintroduce the concept of potty training. For a child who has only known diapers, it can feel like quite a transition. So go slow and steady.
Use apps, games, YouTube videos, and books to help them comprehend the idea of using the potty. You’d be pleasantly surprised at how persuasive Elmo can be.
Tip 3. Let Your Child Make His Own Decisions
Strong-willed children like to come to their conclusions. A week or two before you plan to start potty training, mention your bathroom trips in passing, “I’m a big kid so I have to go to the bathroom to potty. I’ll be right back. “
This helps them decide if they want to be a big kid too.
Tip 4: Make Them Feel Like They’re In Control
When it comes to potty training a stubborn toddler, it is all about strategy. See what drives and motivates your stubborn child and offer that as an incentive.
Ice cream?
Choosing his pajamas afterward?
Let him pick his own potty or flush the toilet. Making their own decisions can help them feel like they are in control while also giving them a sense of achievement.

Tip 5. Keep A Dedicated Area For Potty Training
This is one tip I loved when I was potty training my stubborn child. It saved me hours of clean-up.
I dedicated his playroom as a potty-training zone. I removed all the rugs, and soft play toys, and got a mattress protector for the sofa. I kept toys that could easily be washed and cleaned. I also kept wipes, microfiber cloths, and towels on hand for quick clean-ups. At the end of the day, I just put them all in the laundry in one load.
Tip 6: Drop The Diaper And Raise The Stakes
Once you think you are ready to try again, remove the diaper. If your child still insists on wearing a diaper, try switching to training pants or go shopping for big-boy underpants. Let him pick his favorite pair with dinosaurs or Paw Patrol.
Once he’s wearing them, gently remind him to let you know when he has to go potty so his new favorite pants don’t get dirty.
Tip 7: Don’t Get Upset
Potty training a stubborn toddler takes time and patience.
For over two years, which happens to be his entire life, your child’s tiny bladder has never disrupted his playtime or snack time. Suddenly, it has become a nuisance. It is forcing him to stop mid-task and run to the bathroom, sit on a potty, and get scolded by a very upset mommy.
This can become quite upsetting and confusing for some children.
First, make sure your toddler is ready to be potty trained.
According to Johns Hopkins, a child is not able to obtain bowel and bladder control until 24 to 30 months. Ensuring that your child is ready can help make potty training easier and quicker.

Tip 8: Choose A Time That Is Convenient For You.
Start with a three-day period, preferably a weekend when you don’t have chores lined up or a major work meeting on Monday. If things go well, you might have made progress by Monday, but if not, take a break during the week and then try again the weekend after.
Opt for summer because there are fewer layers to change and your child won’t mind the frequent washings.
Also, start potty training during the day and let him continue to wear a diaper at night. Never underestimate the power of a good night’s sleep. Plus, you and your toddler are both bound to be cranky the next day if he’s awake at night.
Tip 9: No Screens On The Potty
Whatever you do, do not hand over a device to your kid to make them stay on the potty. Instead, keep it short and simple.
Talk, sing, dance or give them some tissue to tear apart. Make bubbles that they can pop or check out our suggestions for screen time alternatives. The activity you choose should only be reserved for potty breaks so that they remain exclusive and exciting.
Tip 10: Be His Biggest Cheerleader
Celebrate every successful trip to the loo as a big win! Potty training a stubborn toddler isn’t just hard for you- it is difficult for your little guy too. And he needs his biggest cheerleader by his side.
And I mean, literally. I bought party horns from the dollar store for my secondborn. Every time we made it to the potty on time, we got one party horn each to celebrate our big win.
It got loud, but it motivated my child to run to the potty so we could celebrate! But this practice also reinforced the message that I believed in him. And that is what your stubborn toddler needs to hear too.
Are you ready to try these tips for potty training your stubborn toddler?
Potty training your little one can be a lot of work. While it may take some kids longer than others, every single one of them gets there eventually. And you will too. All you have to do is just navigate a little differently.
Then you can sit back and reward yourself with more than just a pat on the back. Book yourself a spa day because you have mastered the skill of potty training a stubborn toddler.